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Say Hello to 5 MailChimp tools to boost your Email Marketing


In the middle of plethora of new marketing tools and automation, Email Marketing still holds grip.

 It is relevant because a simple e-mail from your side can win trust of your potential customers. As marketing pundits say “Some things never change”.

 With years’ of experience in the e-commerce we at The Grey Parrots have noticed that even in 2016 Email Marketing had added wings to some of our clients’ businesses, be it B2B or B2C.

 But the catch is that Email Marketing requires proper execution. A slip once and you will just add to the clutter on your potential client’s mailbox. So, why not use a professional platform?

 No need to scratch your head. Just say “Hello” to MailChimp. And definitely we are not asking you to mimic Adele, the singer, but just scroll down a bit to meet 5 amazing tools of MailChimp. We bet you will not regret.

MailChimp is Email Marketing Wizard: Imagine a true friend who is ever ready to assist in your every steps. All you need to just give information of your task to that friend. Rest he will accomplish.

 Does it sound great? Well, that is MailChimp for you in general. Let’s meet the cute little Chimpanzee who will deliver your Mail at your assigned places.

 As per the definition given by the company itself MailChimp is an email service provider (ESP). Founded in 2001 MailChimp has more than 10 million users.

MailChimp helps one to

  • Send bulk emails to clients, customers, and other interested parties.
  • Manage subscriber lists.
  • Build email campaigns.
  • Review campaign reports.

MailChimp has that magical power to revive your Email marketing. How? Please give us the chance to spill the beans one by one…

1) Bulk Delivery: With MailChimp you can send mail at multiple recipients at a single time. Or you can schedule a time frame for mail delivery.

 No doubt it will save both time and energy. You will be free from accessing your mail account every now and then to forward your newsletter.

002 bulk deliveary

Now the question is how many Email you can send in bulk mail category? Well, the little Chimpanzee is ready to do your task for free for a certain number of mails.

 How long the service will remain, that’s the next question.

 MailChimp’s statement is-

 “As long as you’ve got fewer than 2,000 subscribers across all lists in your account, you can send up to 12,000 emails per month without paying us a dime. We won’t even ask for a credit card.”

 Now, stop pondering and calculating and use the ever ready MailChimp before your competitors snatch your consumers.

2)Timewarp : Sending bulk mail sounds great but the mail needs to be delivered at the right time. Now, if you have a large consumer base at different areas in different time zone, you better ensure your target mails meet their goals. MailChimp is the best option here.

003 timeWhy?

 Because MailChimp has a unique feature called Timewrap. It allows one to schedule the mail campaign based on each subscriber’s related time zone. MailChimp uses Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) to ensure the perfect delivery.

Though the service comes at a minimal cost but the great service will never brew regret from it’s users. But make sure you have planned Timewarp campaigns at least 24 hours in advance.

We hope you would like to give some time to the little Chimpanzee for preparation before a long journey.

3) Professional Styling: When we call MailChimp a wizard, we mean it. It was never a hyperbole. MailChimp knows the value of your newsletters. Therefore, they have set up a gallery full of sample newsletters.

 Variety is the strength of our wizard mail bearer. From Art to Music, Restaurant to Publishing, MailChimp has designed attractive newsletters fit to every segments.

004 customization

 And if you love creating your own newsletters, then MailChimp will silently give you a large canvas for customization. One can start their mail campaign with preferred images and texts at the Email Designer segment.

Just drag and drop photos and content blocks. Go for multiple tests with MailChimp before finding the perfect match of your words and image.

The magic does not end there. Before the beginning of the email marketing campaign, MailChimp sends your content to the Delivery Doctor. There it goes under successive tests making the content best.

MailChimp also checks the spam score and detect errors in your messages’ HTML code.You are already in love with MailChimp, we guess.

4) Reports: The key to a successful businesses lies at the thorough assessment of the data. In comparison with TV or Print advertising, Email Marketing is a boon for any investors and entrepreneurs. With Email Marketing one can easily gauge and calculate the effective results through subscription numbers.

 006 record

MailChimp does that with multiple features like “Track your performance”, “Interactive Graphs” .

Let’s have a quick look at the interface of MailChimp’s Report system.

Interactive graphs: General idea on how many emails were opened, how many were delivered. It also gives idea on the engagement of your sent mails.

Monitor Trends: Ever wondered why some of your mails get bounced? MailChimp’s “Monitor Trends” feature will tell you that. It will also track the people who will unsubscribe you from their mail list.

Subscriber Activity Reports: With this exclusive feature one can track down real time reports of every subscriber’s email activities. The report will be through telling when they open it, what do they click. MailChimp also keeps an eye on the people who don’t open the mail.

Revenue Reports: This particular feature is a boon for e-commerce business. By activating MailChimp’s Revenue Reports, one can track sales in their campaigns. MailChimp’s  Analytics360 module works extensively to draw statistics from website traffic tools directly into  campaign reports page.

Except the core features  Opens by location, Bounces, Unsubscribes, Industry comparison, VIP and printable reports, Email domain performance, Click maps make MailChimp one irresistible service provider in Email Marketing.

5) Social Media Conjugation: Though there is a larger concept of rivalry between Email Marketing and Social 007 social media conjugationMedia Marketing, MailChimp makes an effort to gap the bridge.

MailChimp will add force to your Email advertising by giving you an option to share the content at  Facebook,

Twitter, Tumblr and Delicious. As MailChimp integrates with Twitter, one can easily share newsletter with the Twitter followers at single click.

Have you ever thought about such conjugation? We told you before that our little Chimpanzee is a magician. Do you agree now?

Email Marketing is a silent warrior in your army of business campaign. Being the MailChimp experts The Grey Parrots know the potential of it. One may miss it at their risk but with MailChimp’s tried, tested and evolved method one can garner maximum growth of their business.

Do you think Email Marketing has the potential to push your business? Is there any better tool than MailChimp? Tell us.


Football, WordPress, Food, Music

I am an enthusiast entrepreneur leading an entire entourage of 'Digital Age' that services in anything WordPress and Internet Marketing. I call this dream project - The Grey Parrots. Which not only by name but also by fame are the learned ones.

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